Our First 6 Months in Kenya


October 2019

Nikki and intern Alexis arrived in Kitale on October 9th and spent the first few weeks buying things to fill the house, adjusting to the 7 hour time difference, making friends, and becoming familiar with the town.


November 2019

We made connections with schools and orphanages this month to determine who might be interested in future collaboration. Every place we visited had at least one child with special needs, one place as high as 80!

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December 2019

This month we provided respite care for a local orphanage by taking care of one of their babies for a few weeks. It was interesting learning to take care of him and see behavior analysis at work in the way a baby learns new things.


January 2020

Alexis (Encompass' first intern) at her going away party. Alexis is now back in the states and will start her master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis this fall.


february 2020

Nikki traveled to Florida this month in order to take the Behavior Analyst Certification Board exam. She is now officially a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

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march 2020

We're currently compiling a survey to conduct with schools, orphanages, and other local organizations that focuses on cultural perspectives of special needs, barriers to providing services, and the status of available services in western Kenya. We will begin the survey in Kitale and then expand to other areas.